
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Post-harvest technology awareness programme held at Hee-Gyathang

MANGAN, 23 Feb:  A one-day technology awareness training on post harvest management and processing of ginger was held here at Hee Gyathang, Lower Dzongu in North Sikkim, today.  The training was sponsored by National Horticulture Board and conducted by SIMFED in association with SIBIN Group and resource persons from ICAR.
The training began with an awareness session chaired by Panchayat Vice President, Hee Gyathang GPU, Karma Lepcha and Panchayat Secretary, Lum/Gor/Sangtok GPU, Tshering Gyatso Lepcha as special guest.

Around 50 participants from three GPUs of Lower Dzongu attended the training.  District Coordinator, Pema Tamang, gave a brief introduction of the programme and delivered tips on ginger cultivation and its marketing.
The chief guest in his address stressed on the importance of technical know-how in cultivation of crops in order to save time and money.  He also urged every one to share the knowledge that they gain from the training with other villagers.
Dr. Ashok Kumar, Scientist, ICAR Tadong, who was one of the resource persons of the day spoke on ginger cultivation and highlighted the technical method of cultivation explaining the process of seed selection and crop rotation, which is required for ginger cultivation.  He also informed about the Trichoderma powder which is the organic remedy for disease affected ginger and the usage of Bouveria Bosiana for the preservation of ginger seeds.
Similarly, Sr. Manager, SIBIN Group, Dr. Mohammad Hasib, highlighted the schemes and role of National Horticulture Board including the marketing of the products.  Dr. Hasib urged farmers to take to large scale cultivation for which the department extends support through proper marketing.  He also encouraged farmers towards cultivation of mushroom, medicinal plants, bee keeping and vermicompost.
Dr. S Das, from KVIC, Gangtok in turn, highlighted about the schemes of Khadi Board and the Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme PMEGP explaining the preparation process of a project proposal.

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