
Sunday, February 6, 2011

High-yielding cows distributed to beneficiaries in Bhusuk

GANGTOK, 06 Feb: Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly, KT Gyaltsen, has urged people, especially beneficiaries who receive direct aid from the government, to leverage this assistance and the other opportunities created in the State to become self-reliant producers and abandon consumer/ dependent lifestyles.
Mr Gyaltsen was speaking at a function organised by the Animal Husbandry Department at Bhusuk near the capital here yesterday. Mr. Gyaltsen also happens to be the area MLA.
He stressed that the State government was working towards providing various benefits to the people right at their doorsteps in the hope that this would leave the people free of basic worries so that they could concentrate on establish self-reliance at the individual and community level. These programmes like the distribution of milching cows at Bhusuk yesterday, were in fulfilment of promises made by the Sikkim Democratic Front in its election manifesto and were guided by the Chief Minister’s vision for the State, he said.
He also directed the beneficiaries to use the distributed cows to supplement their incomes on a regular and sustainable basis and not sell the cows for instant cash returns which would defeat the purpose behind the initiative.
Speaking on the potential of the area, Mr Gyaltsen shared details of various upcoming developmental projects and activities in Syari constituency.
Earlier, Joint Director [East], AH&VS, Dr RK Tamang, informed that the cows were being distributed as part of the Dairy Mission launched by the State government. For the Syari constituency, cows have been brought in from the hill belt of West Bengal and provided to 40 beneficiaries.
Deputy Director [East], Dr. Sangay Dorjee Bhutia, in turn, shared the various difficulties faced by him and the team to bring these cows into the State and urged the beneficiaries to take proper care of these cows.
He informed that of the 40 high milk yielding cows brought for beneficiaries in Syari constituency, 20 were to general beneficiaries under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Yojana and 20 to beneficiaries from the Scheduled Tribes, under the Tribal Sub-Plan.

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