
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Darj DM requisitions army to quell Hill unrest

GANGTOK, 08 Feb: Media sources in Darjeeling and Siliguri confirmed late this evening that the Darjeeling District Magistrate has requisitioned the army to help normalise the situation in the Darjeeling Hills. This follows on the heels of national media reporting that additional paramilitary forces have been assured for the West Bengal administration. The situation in Darjeeling had collapsed to widespread anarchy and targeting of West Bengal state machinery in the Hills after a police firing on a GJM procession in Jalpaiguri left 3 people dead. The Darjeeling DM has reportedly submitted the request for army deployment to the West Bengal Government which has endorsed it and forwarded it to the Centre. Sources inform that given the situation in the Hills, the army could be deployed tonight itself.

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