
Monday, May 4, 2015

Treats at MVD


Restaurants and eateries around town are frequented by many but the humble canteen or cafeteria in the various government departments offer many delectable dishes and not many might be aware of them. While restaurants are not just about the food but also about the ambience, decor, music for some and booze for many out there, departmental canteens are all about the food! Starting this week, we begin a series on departmental canteens and their signature dishes.
WHERE: Motor Vehicles Division of Transport Department
SPECIALTY: Phulauro with Alu Dum
PRICE: Rs 20 per plate
The next time you happen to visit the Motor Vehicle Division at SNT complex, do not forget to grab a plate of Phulauro with Alu Dum. And time it right, this is a special treat served only thrice a week at the canteen. Whether you can land a plate depends on your luck – the three days a week schedule is not specific!
Phulauro is made of flour shaped into small balls, deep fried and coated with sugar somewhat like a doughnut. Interestingly, Laxmi Nowbag Mukhia who runs the canteen, makes these phulauros with whole wheat flour [atta] instead of refined flour [maida] since it is considered healthier. 
The dough for the phulauro has to be prepared a day in advance and requires a lot of effort according to Ms Mukhia. She serves other items like momo and rice meals as well but it is the phulauro and alu dum that she and the canteen have now become famous for since it is not available everywhere. 

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