
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Van to spread Zero Waste message at Jorethang Maghey Mela

GANGTOK, 13 Jan: As part of the endeavour to observe the 2015 Jorethang Maghey Mela as a Zero Waste Event, the State Institute of Rural Development in collaboration with the State Institute of Capacity Building and Zero Waste Himalayas is deploying an IEC Van from 12 – 14 January, 2015. This van would be continuously travelling in and around Jorethang and surrounding areas playing specially recorded messages and jingles regarding Zero Waste, informs a press release.
The objective of this effort is to highlight waste management issues and how each and every individual can make a difference following the four ‘Rs' of waste management “Reuse”, “Refuse”, “Recycle” and “Reduce”. The message also urges people visiting the Mela to bring their own water in reusable bottles so as to minimise use of plastic mineral water bottles and to carry shopping bags to avoid use of plastic and PP Bags, the release mentions.
The IEC van was flagged off by the Minister Rural Management & Development Department, Government of Sikkim, SB Subedi, in the presence of Secretary, RM&DD, DR Nepal, Director SIRD, Suchitra Rasaily, Officials and staff of SIRD & SICB, Engineers and other Senior Officials from RM&DD and Members of various NGOs.
Mr Nepal explained the objective of this IEC Van and importance of Waste Management before the flag off to those present on the occasion.

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