
Monday, January 12, 2015

SDF finalises CEC list, drops those of ‘suspect’ allegiance

GANGTOK, 12 Jan: Sikkim Democratic Front party president, Chief Minister Pawan Chamling, convened the first meeting of the reconstituted Central Working Committee of his party on Sunday. All the CWC members attended the meeting, a press release issued by the SDF spokesperson PD Rai informs. The meeting, the release informs, was called to finalise the list of all members of the Central Executive Committee of the Party. The names of all those who were nominated were discussed and finalised. Many names were also dropped due to various reasons chief being that their allegiance to the Party and their adherence to party principles were suspect, the release details.
In his speech to the CWC members, Mr. Chamling underlined that the first meeting in the New Year was significant “because it makes us resolve a better future for the people of Sikkim who have brought us to power once again”, the release states. “Hence, we have to bear this in mind especially since we have to work to complete all the projects within this year,” he said.
He also emphasised that responsible Party members must take “special pains” to ensure that the implementation of projects and policies are done so in right earnest. “He explained many of the policies that the new Government had taken and which are in alignment with the Party plans and programs. The real challenge always lies in implementation for various reasons,” he stressed.
Many of the new policies were also discussed and the SDF president advised all present to make the people aware of these, commenting that “there is a huge gap in understanding of our pro-poor and people centric policies”.
He also informed the gathering that a Panchayat Sammelan has been called for 17 January and that on 19 January, he will be holding a meeting with all the officers of the Government of Sikkim.
SDF Day [04 March] will be celebrated at the constituency-level, he informed and added that founder members and old SDF Party members will be felicitated on the day.

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