
Friday, January 23, 2015

Saras Fair concludes on a high note in Jorethang

Self Help Groups notch up sales of close to Rs. 50 lakhs

JORETHANG, 23 Jan [IPR]: The valedictory function of the SARAS Fair 2015, organized by the Sikkim Rural Development Agency (SRDA), was held at SIRD Karfectar, Jorethang today. Area MLA cum Minister of Health and IPR Department, AK Ghatani, attended the function as the chief guest accompanied by Chief Administrator-SICB cum General Secretary of the Jorethang Maghey Mela Committee, SD Dhakal; Project Director (SRDA) Namrata Thapa; Director (SIRD) Suchitra Rasaily; Additional Director (SIRD) Bishal; President Jorethang Nagar Panchayat Purosuttam Agrawal alongside the officials from NEDFi Namchi, participants from the SARAS fair and the SRDA officials.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Ghatani expressed his gratitude and acknowledgement towards the Chief Minister and the Ministers for their consistent support and persuasion in making the Jorethang Maghey Sankranti Mela 2015 a grand success. Also, conferring due recognition on the officials of various Government Departments and the civil society members, Mr. Ghatani highlighted the co-ordination and unanimity of these individuals who worked in coordination with each other to mark the success of the annual cultural fair that acts as a catalyst for promotion of Tourism and Community Development in Sikkim.
Further, he reiterated the notable theme of the mela that promoted Green, Organic and Clean Sikkim theme and appealed to the public and the participants of the SARAS fair to work together in sustaining the clean spirit of the mela through its harmonious accord, eco-friendly management and culturally rich atmosphere in order to further elevate the status of the Maghey Mela here.
In addition, Mr. Ghatani lauded the efforts of SRDA that implements programmes such as Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) under which components like Self-Help Groups (SHGs) facilitate mobilization of the underprivileged, particularly the women folk to become self-reliant and self-governing.
Director Ms. Namrata Thapa also addressed the gathering and briefed the participants on the background and history of the SARAS fair. She brought to light how the SHGs have the advantage of assistance in terms of credit technology and marketing guidance through the SGSY that enables people, predominantly the women, to lead independent lives. She also presented the total sale record of Sikkim and other states which had participated in the SARAS fair 2015. Sikkim has made a total sale amounting to Rs. 10,69,435 while other states has made a total sale of Rs. 38,66,295 thereby making the cumulative sale amount of nearly Rs. 50 lakh. It may be mentioned here that SHGs of all the four districts of Sikkim had participated in the SARAS fair 2015 alongside states like West Bengal, Haryana, J & K, Ladakh, Assam, Manipur, Jharkhand, Mizoram, UP, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarkhand, Nagaland and Chhattisgarh.
Later, participants of the SARAS fair were handed over certificates by the Chief Guest present. The program was also marked by cultural presentations by local and guest artists. 

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