
Thursday, January 29, 2015


The following proposals were approved and sanctioned by the Cabinet which met at Samman Bhawan on 27th January 2015.
1. The proposal seeking approval and sanction of Rs 1800.37 lakhs for the project “Extension of Central Park, Namchi, South Sikkim (CSS).
2. The proposal seeking approval and sanction of Rs 615.94 lakhs for the implementation of 10 Micro Hydro Electric projects (MHPs). Administrative approval is also solicited to drop three projects v.i.z. Bala, Buthang & Sawa and to utilize the saving of Rs 146.07 lakhs on account of these projects to cover the shortfall.
3. The proposal seeking en bloc approval and sanction of Rs 193.07 lakhs for the scheme “Establishment and strengthening of existing Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries. Approval is also solicited to draw 75% of fund for current financial year amounting to Rs 45.90 lakhs and to use the Government of India approved amount Rs 25.00 lakhs towards strengthening.
4. Proposal seeking approval for hosting of 29th Technical Coordination Committee (TCC) & Eastern Region Power Committee (ERPC) meetings to be held on 13th & 14th February 2015.
5. Proposal seeking approval of Sikkim State Subordinate Motor Vehicles Services Draft Rules 2015 and Sikkim State Motor Vehicles Service Draft Rules 2015.
6. Proposal seeking approval for implementation of National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development and sanction of Rs 183.34 lakhs.
 7. Proposal seeking approval for establishment of Sikkim State Climate Change Cell under National Mission for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) and sanction of Rs 384.94 Lakhs.
8. Proposal seeking approval and sanction of Rs 277.72 lakhs towards creation and management of infrastructure and for operational expenses of two EMR Schools at Gangyap and Swayem.
9. Proposal seeking administrative approval and financial sanction of Rs 1013.48 lakhs as Grant-in-Aid for forests under 13th Finance Commission and its Action Plan for 2014-15.
10. Proposal seeking approval and sanction of Rs 16,46,04,636/- as forest compensation for transfer of forest land for development of Skywalk at Bhaleydhunga in South Sikkim.
11. Proposal seeking approval and sanction for implementation of eight Tourism Projects under funding from Ministry of Tourism, Government of India for 2014-15, cumulatively amounting to Rs 5200.00 lakhs.
12. Proposal seeking approval for award of Project Consultancy Services for Skywalk Project at Bhaleydhunga to M/s Grant Thornton at a negotiated cost of Rs 165.00 lakhs.
13. Proposal seeking approval and sanction of reimbursement and transfer of fund for settlement of compensation of damaged houses due to construction of Airport at Pakyong to department of Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department amounting to Rs 2257.00 lakhs.
14. Proposal seeking approval for creation of posts of Assistant Commissioners and Commercial Tax Inspectors under State Revenue Service and Sikkim Subordinate Revenue Service respectively.
15. Proposal seeking approval and sanction of Rs 645.66 lakhs for Development & Upgradation of Rangpo Bazaar, East Sikkim.
16. Proposal seeking approval and sanction of Rs 149.90 lakhs for Construction of Crematorium (Thu-thay) at Singhik, North Sikkim under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP).
17. Proposal seeking approval and sanction of Rs 5,26,61,549/- for acquisition of Star Cinema Hall building at Gangtok, East Sikkim.
18. Proposal seeking approval for setting up of Engineering Cell in the Department.
19. Proposal seeking approval and sanction of Grants for conducting Rural Sports Competitions under Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan(RGKA) during 2014-15 amounting to Rs 52.60 lakhs.
20. Proposal seeking approval and sanction of Rs 394.17 lakhs for intensification of Forest Management Scheme (IFMS) & Annual Action Programme for 2014-15.
 21. Proposal seeking approval for transfer of Rs 829.50 lakh to Land Revenue & Disaster Management Department for payment of land compensation including the cost of standing properties for land acquired for construction of PMGSY roads and other purposes.
The Cabinet also approved on 27th January 2015, the following towards strengthening the administration.
1. Sikkim Subject Certificate / Certificate of Identification mandatory for any type of appointment in the State Government posts. Moreover, married women are required to submit the Sikkim Subject Certificate/Certificate of Identification of their father and husband.
2. In case of recruitment of candidates for essential services like teachers, doctors and technicians, a Panel List to be maintained for a period of one year to ensure that there is a pool of human resource readily available in case of any emergency.
3. One of the following is mandatory for issue of new or transfer of trade license, contract work, enlistment, hotel license, vehicle permit and driving license:- Certificate of Identification/ Sikkim Subject/ Land document/ proof of house or building in rural or urban area. NOC from House Owner is required. In case of a married woman or a daughter- in- law, she will be required to furnish her own or her father’s or her husband’s Sikkim Subject/ Certificate of Identification.
4. For issue of new or transfer of trade license, enlistment, vehicle permit, hotel license, restaurant license, tea stalls and other shops and driving license to the sons and daughters of Old Businessmen:- trade license of the father, proof of house or building in urban area in their name or Residential Certificate, NOC from House Owner is required. Moreover, married daughter or daughter-in-law is required to submit the Trade Licence of her father and her husband to confirm their status of Old Businessmen.
5. All promotions at the gazetted levels will be subject to clearance by the Screening Committee.
6. Free text books, uniforms, shoes, socks, bags, rain coats etc will be provided to all students studying in Government schools and whose parents possess either one of the following: Certificate of Identification/ Sikkim Subject Certificate/ Trade License /Old Residential Certificate (Issued earlier).
7. Free medicines and treatment in all Government hospitals and health centres will be provided to people with any of the following- Sikkim Subject Certificate, Certificate of Identification/Residential Certificate/ Trade License / Proof of Residence in town.
8. Business establishments such as hotels to be run and operated by licensee himself/herself, ie the person in whose name the licence has been obtained.
9. Contractors and suppliers will not sub- let/ sell work allotted to them.
10. Nepali language teachers to be appointed in Junior High Schools from the academic session, 2016. This year GT Nepali are being appointed in the Secondary level.
11. Computer Education to be imparted from the primary level. Computers to be provided to all Primary Schools.
12. The retirement age of teachers under HRD Department to be 58 years, with the provision for extension of service if necessary and provided the teacher concerned is deemed fit by the Committee constituted by the Department.
13. Excess teachers to be transferred to schools facing shortage of teachers.
14. All schools to have separate toilets for boys and girls. Apart from this, laboratories, libraries and other infrastructures will also be provided in schools.
15. The construction of Degree College in Mangshila in North District to be completed on a war footing. A Science Degree College in Chakung and Vocational College at Dentam in West District to be established. A Women College at Khamdung and NIT at Pakyong in East District to be established.
16. One thousand Tourism destinations to be identified and developed in the State for tourist attraction and facility.
17. Construction of way side amenities for tourists on major roads of the State for the convenience of tourists. Amenities to include washrooms, handicraft outlets, souvenir shops, tea stalls, cafeterias etc. These spots will have parking facility for minimum of fifty vehicles.
18. To develop agriculture related trade along with the development of organic farming.
19. To establish business ventures related to organic seeds and organic manure.
20. In case of issue of new licenses for sale of vegetables, poultry, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products etc, such licences to be issued only for organic shops.
21. Crop insurance will be provided for the welfare of farmers and development of agriculture. All possible compensation for losses incurred by natural calamities and wild animals will be provided by the Government.
22. Some innovative decisions
 i. Ban on the sale and purchase of fire crackers to curb noise pollution and air pollution.
 ii. Decision to free the State from electronic waste has been passed.
 iii. Prohibition on burning leaves and agriculture waste. Guidance and encouragement to prepare organic manure from such materials should be provided.
23. No chemicals to be used for water purification in water supply of the State. Mechanisms to be devised for providing the people with chemical-free water.
24. All SNT buses, trucks and Government vehicles to be green in colour.
25. Near every District hospital a Tuberculosis hospital each to be established
26. For availing any kind of grants/benefits from the Government, certificate of sanitation, such as availability of toilets mandatory.
27. Construction of Snake Park and Golf Course.
28. Old Age Pension, Disabled Pension, Social Work Allowance, Allowance or Unmarried Women etc to be distributed every month.
29. Permission from Roads & Bridges Department mandatory for construction of house on roadside.
30. Landowners in the State not to give tenancy or kutia etc rights to those not possessing SSC/CoI. The landowners are to construct dwelling houses for such tenants, so that the State is able to achieve the mission of kutcha-house free status.
31. Transfer of Voters’ name from other State to Sikkim to be totally satisfactory and fool-proof on submission of proofs of surrender of voting rights in parent State.
32. New Voters’ entry to be seen by the Panchayats and Electors Registering Authorities fulfilling the conditions at SL.No. 1,5 & 34 above. The Draft Voters’ List in the villages will be approved in the Gram Sabha and very strictly monitored by the Electors Registering Authorities, respective District Collectors and the Chief Electoral Officers.
33. Heads of Departments to circulate Sikkim Government Servants Services Conduct Rules, 1981 to all their sub-ordinate officials who in turn will circulate among their sub-ordinates. The Conducts Rules may be translated into Nepali to enable for easy understanding by the lowest rung of officials.
34. A Control room in Gangtok to connect all departments, Gram Vikas Kendras and Gram Prashashan Kendras to be set up. Closed Circuit Television should be installed in all departments’ officials.
35. State Bank of Sikkim with 24x7 Bank Service for revenue collection or deposits by the consumers and if 24x7 bank services is difficult to provide then at least 8 A.M. to 8 P.M daily. Bank services for the aforesaid purpose to be opened at Gangtok.
36. Essay competition to be organized on developmental matters in different subjects like Tourism, Organic Farming, Hydel Power, Social Justice, Health, Education etc. in Schools and Colleges.
37. Each department should have their own Website to be updated on a regular basis.
38. While constructing any new Government infrastructure or School building, Wash Room, must be constructed mandatorily.
39. Pre-paid Taxi services to be started.
40. House numbering in urban areas to be started soon.
41. Porters to be issued with tags and licenses. Registration of Porters.
42. A Grievance Cell will be opened in the CMO.
 43. Muster Roll workers in Government or private sector in the State to get one week or seven days as sick holidays.

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