
Monday, December 8, 2014

Women’s Commission meeting on study of status of women in Sikkim

Sikkim State Commission for Women organized a meeting of its Sub Committee and Members of the Commission on 04 December at its office in Gangtok to finalize strategy for undertaking a study of socioeconomic, political and legal empowerment of women in Sikkim. The study is being commissioned by National Commission for Women and is being undertaken by Sikkim State Commission for Women.

The meeting was chaired by the Commission's Chairperson, Subhadra Rai who highlighted that the sample survey would be undertaken in selected panchayat wards of all four districts to know the status of females in family, their education, economic status, banking activities including Jan Dhan Yojana account, work involvement, political status, representation under MGNREGA works in respective wards, beneficiary of different government scheme with special reference to availing of facilities under National Health Mission and Janani Surakshya Yojana.
Sikkim Himalayan Green Group would be working in coordination with the Commission for field work and report preparation. The study aims to make policy recommendations for development and empowerment of women in Sikkim on socio, economic, political and legal empowerment and suggest strategy for implementation. The Study would also make suggestions and recommendations for initiating policy level changes for better implementation of existing policies, select programmes and schemes for welfare of women.

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