
Monday, December 8, 2014

CM recommends better security coordination between NE States

Chief Minister Pawan Chamling attended the annual meeting of DGPs and IGPs on security related challenges chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Guwahati.
In his address at the meet, the Chief Minister called for better coordination among states, talks with insurgent groups and creating opportunities for the youth to create a peaceful atmosphere in the region. He cited the example of Sikkim where, he said, peace and tranquility is maintained through various measures like ensuring that the basic minimum needs are met, cultural freedom ensured and by promoting the interests of every section of the population through regular state patronage.
Earlier, the Prime Minister called for the creation of a “SMART” police force: a police which is Strict yet Sensitive; Modern and Mobile; Alert and Accountable; Reliable and Responsive; Techno-savvy and Trained.
The Chief Minister in turn started his speech by thanking the Prime Minister for giving an opportunity to CMs of North Eastern states to participate in this conference. He then highlighted the geo-strategic significance of Sikkim and importance of maintaining peace in the state.
The CM thanked the Prime Minister for the historic decision of opening up Nathula-Mansarovar route for pilgrimage and emphasized the need for upgrading infrastructure and connectivity including strengthening security related infrastructure along the India-China border in Sikkim. The CM also highlighted the huge infrastructure deficit i.e road connectivity, lack of alternate highway, lack of rail and air links to Sikkim. [IPR]

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