
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Himalayas and East South Asia with Sujeev Shakya

GANGTOK, 06 Sept: Rachna Books at Development Area is hosting a talk on Himalayas and East South Asia by Kathmandu-based author and columnist Sujeev Shakya on 08 September at 5:30 pm onwards.
Author, columnist and "Thought Leader" Sujeev Shakya ( will share his views on the emergence of new sub-regional blocs within Southasia. He is based in Kathmandu heading beed management private limited, a management consulting and financial advisory firm working in Bhutan, Nepal and Rwanda. He is author of Unleashing Nepal (Penguin Updated 2013) and travels globally to speak on economy, business, management and leadership. He also Chairs Nepal Economic Forum.
With the coming of new leadership in New Delhi, and the Prime Minister of India reaching out to the neighbors, the general mood of optimism runs high.
Southasia will not be the same as the neighboring countries will draw more attention. Further, there is also a new perspective in looking at the Indian Northeast.
All this provides an opportunity to relook at sub-regionalism within Southasia. East Southasia comprising of Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Eastward of Bihar in India. China is talking about a Trans Himalayan corridor.
What this would mean to the region? Where are the economic opportunities in store? What we can see happening over the next couple of years?
The entry fee for the talk is Rs100.

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