
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Guardians complains on unhygienic conditions of schools : Wangchuk Bhutia.

MANGAN, 10 Sept:  The Eklavya Model Residential School at Swayem in North Sikkim, where there was several complaints from the guardians due to the dormant administration resulting in unhygienic condition in hostel where the children suffers with illness.

The school which runs under the Social Welfare Board needs to supervise for the proper implementation of the school ambience and the hygienic should be focussed especially in the boy’s hostel.   The school lacks proper fund for the repairing of the drinking water supply and sewerage pipes which have been broken and leakage above the kitchen floor.

The Deputy Director Social Welfare Department North, Norden Lepcha suggested that the source of drinking water supply line to the school has been connected directly without the filter tank which was very important.   The school authority requested segregation of kitchen from the hostel building which is also damaging the hostel building.  

Among 135 boys accommodated in the hostel, 25 cases of students suffering from loose motions with severe vomiting with blood in stools have been reported as three students have been admitted in Mangan hospital. Ironically, this is the second time that the students have suffered with such symptoms in this school.    Earlier, the students informed that they felt ill after eating fried rice in the hostel as their morning breakfast which is not ascertained as the fact of the causes for the illness.   The school authority have also suspected some of them as the boys do eats outside as they goes to buy the stationeries which could also be the reason to some extent.

When NOW! contacted Dr. Dichen Ongmu Bhutia, MO Phodong PHC under whose the jurisdiction falls informed that the disease is mainly because of water borne disease and also informed about some kind of unhygienic.  The MO further advised for the provision of filter for the drinking water in the hostel and also advised for the proper hygienic in the campus and urinal.  

Ms. Diki Doma Bhutia, (teacher) who was looking after the school in absence of the school Incharge during visit requested for the setting up of one stationery shop for the school in nearby area so that the children would not suffer to go far.

Most of the parents admit that the school doesn’t have the hygienic and strict administration and also since from last many months’ children at hostel is only being provided the fried rice regularly as breakfast.  Some parents also stated that the school never conducts any guardian’s meeting where the parents would also learn the problem of the school to help.   It has also been informed that the school also has the lack of principal since from many days as the principal has been retired.  

Following the incident, the Deputy Speaker, Sonam Gyatso Lepcha who is also a chairman of the School Managing Board visited the school yesterday on 9 September.

During the inspection of the school, the Deputy Speaker took the stock of cleanliness of the school and also inspected both boys and girls hostels.  Mr. Lepcha further interacted with the ill students about their health and symptoms and its improvement.  He further directed the school authority to maintain proper cleanliness of the school and had also inquired about the academic curriculum of the school where he has been escorted by the school teacher Ms. Diki Doma Bhutia who explained about the detail of the school activity in absence of the School Incharge and was also accompanied by Deputy Director Social Welfare Department North, Norden Lepcha.

The Deputy Speaker further directed the entire pipeline for the sewerage to fix properly and further directed that from now onwards it should be made mandatory for the NOC from the school authority for the completion of the contractual work of the school in order to maintain the quality work.   He also announced that the new school principal has been appointed who soon would be joining the duty.

Symptoms include headache, fever, profuse vomiting, pain in abdomen and loose motions with blood in stools. The infected students informed media that in the morning they had fried rice and the symptoms started suddenly.

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