
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Training and awareness on organic farming in South Sikkim

NAMCHI, 30 July: Ward level awareness cum training programme on organic farming was organized by Sikkim Organic Mission along with the support of Morarka Foundation which is the implementing agency at different GPUs of South Sikkim.
The department of Agriculture and Horticulture Namchi, South District conducted the programme in different wards under different GPUs in South district. The Gram Panchayat Units where the awareness cum training programme was conducted are Sorok-Shyampani GPU, Basaini GPU and Maniram- Phalidara GPU.
In Sorok- Shyampani GPU the programme was attended by 32 farmers while in Basaini GPU 25 farmers attended the awareness programme and in Maniram-Phalidara 62 farmers attended the programme which was specially conducted for them.
The programme was also attended by panchayat members of the concerned GPUs along with departmental representatives, Joint Director Agriculture South, Block Technology Manager, and Village Level Worker, Agriculture Development Officer and various officials and workers.
The Project Officer Tilak Pradhan highlighted on organic farming and its importance, he also cited the benefits of organic food and its market value. Furthermore, he talked on pest management, nutrient management along with demonstration. The departmental representatives highlighted on the scope of organic farming. In Maniram-Phalidara GPU Rajma seeds were distributed among the farmers.

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