
Friday, July 4, 2014

Site allotment rules relaxed for a year to bring bazaar records of old settlers in order ANAND OBEROI

GANGTOK, 13 July: The state government has made a one-time relaxation of clauses 19 (i) (ii) (iii) of the Sikkim State Site Allotment Rules, 2012 by omitting the same for a notified period of 12 months starting 14 February 2014.
As per the relaxation, it will not be required for a beneficiary [of site allotment] to possess a Sikkim Subject Certificate or a Certificate of Identification for allotment of a site in any bazaar area. The relaxation, intended at enhancing the regularization of already occupied sites, will also omit the criteria for a beneficiary to be under the Economically Weaker Section to avail allotment facilities in the state.
Speaking to NOW! this afternoon, Chief Town Planner, UD&HD, Devika Sharma, informed that the relaxation was already under effect as the department had to complete the process of compilation of records of the regularization of occupied sites at the earliest.
“There are a number of old settlers and businessmen who still do not possess the required documents under the clauses (i) (II) (III) as required by the Act but have been running their businesses for over 40-50 years. This relaxation will prove beneficial for this section of people who are neither economically backward nor have Sikkim Subjects or COIs,” the Chief Town Planner explained.
She also added that keeping in the view the strictness of the Act, the relaxation would be in effect only for a stipulated period of one year since by then the department would have completed the compilation of records of the regularization of occupied sites as required by the UD&HD at its earliest.
Further, the CTP also informed that this relaxation would further make the process of site allotments systematic as many old settlers in the state were still carrying out their businesses without following the three major criteria required under the Sikkim State Site Allotment Rules 2012 which is why the relaxation was made in exercise of the power conferred by section 25 of the Sikkim State Site Allotment (Amendment) Rules 2014.

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