
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Regularised temp workers call on CS, again

Gangtok, 22 July: A delegation of Muster Roll and Work Charged employees called on the Chief Secretary once again today. This time again, the MR/ WC delegation, comprising of members who had recently been regularized, urged the Chief Secretary for the release of their due salaries, unpaid now for 4 months. And this time again, the delegation of recently regularized employees returned empty handed.
The delegation had met with the CS last week during which the latter had sought three days time to look into their matter. Today, on the expiry of the period, when the delegation met with the CS, they were informed that the CS would first have to call a meeting of all the Heads of Departments.
Meanwhile, the MR and Workcharged employees whose services were regularized in April, are now ending a fourth month without having received their salaries, a condition imposed on them because the regularization process has been kept in “abeyance” and has caught them in a limbo.
“We are experiencing difficulties in running our families and attending to our children; this time also the CS just said that they had not known about this and that she would have to call a meeting of all the departmental heads. No timeline has been given and we do not understand why this is happening,” stated an employee, who was part of the delegation which called on the CS, while talking to NOW!
In fact not many are privy to the understanding of the administration on this issue. The first time MR/WC employees visited the CS they were told that since the CM was in Delhi he first had to be apprised and faxed a letter to him in Delhi. Thereafter the administration has been seeking time but not been able to do anything constructive with it. “All the regularized employees have signed memorandums with the government, only the office order is awaited but with the order for ‘abeyance’ the administration is not letting go of that,” stated an aggrieved regularised employee.
On the other hand with the general situation in Gangtok fluid with the unrest concerning the college students, the MR/WC employees are wary of being clubbed with the unrest. “We condemn and refute suggestions that we were also part of the agitation last week in support of the students. We would like to clarify that we were not involved in any way in the violent events of last week,” stated a representative of the MR/WC employees adding that they earnestly hoped that their problem was settled by the month-end so that they did not have to keep running from pillar to post.

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