
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Paryavaran Mahotsav at Nazitam Agri Farm

GANGTOK, 29 June: Paryavaran Mahotsav 2014 was observed by the officials and the staffs of Food Security and Agricultural Development Department at Nazitam Agricultural Farm, East-Sikkim, under Martam Rumtek constituency on Saturday.
Plantation of Bamboo saplings (Bambusa Bambos), locally known as Karay Baans as line fencing was carried out on the day. Around 150 to 200 saplings were planted around the farm covering an area of about 2.5 Ha, informs a press release.
This variety of Bamboo generally propagates through rhizobuim, clum cutting, brench cutting, and through seeds. This kind of bamboo requires an altitude of 300-1200metre for better growth.
Karay Baans is mainly used in construction of houses, making handicrafts, preparing furniture and in the paper industries as well. Furthermore it also contains calcareous deposit in the clum having medicinal values, the release mentions.
The programme was attended Asha Lama [Joint Director-East, Agriculture], CM Upreti [Deputy Director-East], Dr. Pratap Subba [Agriculture Development Officer], BTMs, Village Level Workers, Teachers and Students of Nazitam Livelihood School and local public.

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