
Monday, July 7, 2014

Padre Ganga Prasad Pradhan’s 163rd birth anniv celebrated

GANGTOK, 06 July: On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the translation of the Bible into Nepali by Padre Ganga Prasad Pradhan and his 163rd birth anniversary, a state-level celebration was organized on 04 July at Jorethang in South Sikkim. The celebration had the area MLA, Health Minister Arjun Ghatani as chief guest and South Zilla Adhakshya, CL Gurung, as the guest of honour.
A press release from the celebration committee informs that the celebration started with a Bible reading and prayers by EPCS Deputy Moderator, Shyam Subba, which was followed by poem recitations by members of Srijanshil Sahitya Manch  and a short presentation on the life of Padre Pradhan and an essay by Anita Gurung [Bhutia].
The day had Rev Dr Chartra Paul Subba as the main speaker. The celebration also included the felicitation of writer Prem Mukhia.

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