
Thursday, July 3, 2014

NHPC directed to evacuate residents from 4 Jang houses rendered unfit for habitation by Stage V dam

GANGTOK, 02 July: A joint inspection of the Jang village in Lower Rakdong Tintek above Teesta Stage V hydel project was conducted on Tuesday by the officials of the East District Administration and NHPC, which has constructed the hydel project. The inspecting team of the District Administration was led by SDM Gangtok, Karma Lodey Lepcha, an official press release informs.
A press release informs, during the visit it was found that there are 16 houses located in Jang have been severely affected by the Stage-V dam directly below. 4 houses were so severely affected that they have been declared unfit for habitation.
The SDM directed the NPHC officials to immediately evacuate the residents of these 4 houses to a safer locations. The NHPC officials, the press communiqué from the DC East office informs, have assured to do so immediately.
Regarding the permanent acquisition and settlement of the Jang by the NHPC, a geological survey of the village needs to be carried out by a team comprising of NHPC and State Government and the matter will also be taken up immediately, the release mentions.
The inspection team also included Sonam Wongyal Lepcha [DPO Disaster Management], Pema Wangchen Bhutia [GVA Rakdong Tintek], Bijayata Kharel [TO Disaster Management] and Sherap Dorjee Bhutia [Revenue Supervisor, Rakdong Tintek]. The officials representing NHPC were QZ Khan [Chief Engineer, Civil, Siliguri Regional Office], Asutosh Kumar [Manager Electrical] and Biman Gosh [Manager Civil Dam].

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