
Monday, July 21, 2014

“Let peace and harmony prevail at SGC campus”

Press Release issued by the Sikkim Government College Teaching and Non-Teaching Community
"With regard to the unfortunate events that took place on the evening of 14th July 2014, where a group of students protesting the fee hike were lathi charged at the main gate of the Sikkim Government College, Tadong, the Sikkim Government College Teaching and Non-teaching community strongly condemn this sad incident. We also hope for swift normalcy to the learning atmosphere on the campus, and pray that in future such incidents will not be repeated.
Similarly, on 16th of July 2014, under the guise of the on going student protest, some anti-social elements entered the campus and resorted to vandalizing. The College community strongly condemns this also.
At a marathon emergent meeting held on 21st July 2014, where the Teaching faculty of the Sikkim Government College met and minutely discussed all aspects of the incidents, the house welcomed the roll-back of the fee hike on the part of the HRD Department.
The teachers are in full sympathy with their students and welcome the agreement reached between the students and the government. While lauding the restraint and maturity shown by our students despite external pressures, the house also agreed to fully co-operate with the one-man inquiry committee and help conduct the investigations impartially for a swift report.
Furthermore, the teachers have appealed to their students not to believe in rampant rumours and false allegations. They appeal to their students to return to the normal college routine so that their classes and completion of the syllabus may not be hampered, and that peace and harmony prevail in the campus."
Issued by:
The Sikkim Government College Teaching and Non-Teaching Community
Dated 21st July 2014

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