
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cleanliness drive at 6th Mile Tadong

GANGTOK, 30 June: As part of Paryavaran Mahotsav 2014, a cleanliness drive was organised at  6th Mile, Tadong on 29 June under the guidance of BK Tewari [IFS Retd], RP Sharma [DFO], GB Chhetri [Technical Officer] of the Forest Department.
A press release informs, members of “Pragati” social organization, local residents of the area and officials from Gangtok Forest Territorial Range headed by Tenzing Norbu Bhutia [ACF] and Anuj Gurung [Range Officer] along with Forest Guards participated in cleaning the premises of the proposed community centre, Lamichaney Jhora and portion of NH31A at 6th Mile Tadong. Despite the rains the cleaning programme was carried out with zeal and enthusiasm by all participants, the release adds.

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