
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Training on dairy farming at Khamdong

GANGTOK, 04 June: Training on dairy farming and management practices cum demonstration on application of Effective Micro-Organism Technology, (EM Technology) for enhancing milk yield of dairy animals was held at Simik Aritar, Khamdong on 02 June.
A press release informs that the programme was supported by Agriculture Technology Management Agency, (ATMA-East) under Food Security and Agricultural Development Department in coordination with the Department of A.H.L.F & V.S.
Additional Director (Feed and Fodder), Chumjay Namgyal Bhutia, Deputy Director (Extension & Training Cell), Dr. Indira Subba and Deputy Director, Dr. Emila Shenga and  Block Technology Manager (BTM), Safal Pandey  were the Resource Persons for the said programme.
More than 50 progressive farmers of the area participated in the programme, the release mentions.

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