
Monday, June 9, 2014

Pre-monsoon cleanliness drive sweeps through Namchi

NAMCHI, 06 June [IPR]: Subsequent to the successful state level World Environment Day Celebrations on 05 June, a mass cleanliness drive was organized by South District Administration in collaboration with UD&HD and PWD in Namchi town today.
The pre-monsoon cleanliness drive was organized with the prime objective of dealing with problems such as clearing unwanted weed, clogged drains, garbage clearance and other sewage related problems in order to keep the surrounding areas of Namchi dirt free and encourage the same attitude amongst the locals.
The drive saw active participation from DAC officials, employees from departments namely UD&HD, IPR, SPWD, PHE, Buildings & Housing, Forest, Environment and Wildlife Management, Irrigation and Flood Control, Horticulture, Sports, HRDD, Social Welfare, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, DHH, DESME, Food Security & Agriculture, Nutrition; Police and Fire personnel, NMC; Taxi Driver’s Association and the Hawkers Trade Association.
ADM (South), Kapil Meena initiated the cleanliness drive at 10:30 am by briefing the gathering about the program thereby laying directives to work in their deputed areas under a supervisory officer. Areas extending from DC office premises to Central Park and Housing Colony as well as Power complex and Bhanjyang road were cleaned extensively.
Likewise, the Taxi Drivers' Association and the Hawkers' Trade Association took up a well-organized cleanliness drive in the car parking plaza and Dambudara vegetable complex respectively.
The DAC has expressed their appreciation to all the departments, particularly the Taxi Drivers' Association and the Hawkers' trade Association for their active involvement in the cleanliness drive. ADM (South) has further, notified that a meeting to discuss and deploy matters relating to garbage disposal and waste management will be held in the coming days. The cleanliness activity that commenced in the early hours of morning came to an end in the late afternoon on the same day.

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