
Monday, June 2, 2014

Minister chairs first coordination meeting of Cultural Affairs Deptt

GANGTOK, 01 June:  Minister GM Gurung chaired the first coordination meeting of Cultural Affairs & Heritage Department at Manan Bhawan here on 31 May. The meeting was attended by Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Nalini G. Pradhan, other senior officers and staff of the Department.
During the meeting, the Commissioner-cum-Secretary before briefing the Minister about the activities of the Department, congratulated him on his victory and assured full cooperation for the developmental activities of the Department. She also informed about the ongoing projects as well as other projects which are in the pipeline, informs a press release.
In his address, Mr. Gurung highlighted the importance of the Department which, he stressed, depicts Sikkim in a holistic sense and stressed on preservation of culture vis-à-vis developmental prospects of the state. He further emphasized on documentation and research work, the release mentions.
Expressing concern over the ongoing projects, the Minister assured his full support in getting the requisite funds. He further directed that the upcoming State Museum be given topmost priority and completed at the earliest. Mr Gurung also requested all officials to work with full dedication and responsibility, it is added.

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