
Friday, June 6, 2014

Majhitar walks and plants to save its water source

GANGTOK, 05 June: The residents of Majhitar here near Singtam dedicated their World Environment Day initiative towards nurturing the water source of this scarcity prone area. Likeminded people of the area hiked up a steep two and half kilometers to undertake a plantation drive at Gotamey Kholcha, a press release informs.
Extensive tree plantation was undertaken here to reinforce the watershed. Saplings of Lampathey and Panisaas provided by the Forest Department’s Singtam Range along with Dhokrey-Phool were planted in the vicinity of the Kholcha.
The drive was joined by Majhitar Ward Councilor Purna Chettri accompanied by ex-Panchayat Hem Kumar Gurung, president of the Majhitar Educated Unemployed Youth Cooperative Society Sandeep Chettri, local youth, Tangedars of Bhasmey village. The initiative was coordinated by Suresh K. Lama, the release informs.
The group also resolved to undertake a similar plantation drive in the last week of June at the Kerabari and Lampathey water sources on which Majhitar and its surroundings rely on for water supply.

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