
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Jorethang cleans up for Paryavaran

JORETHANG, 15 June [IPR]: On the occasion of Paryavaran Mahotsav 2014 that focuses on sustaining the mission of developing Sikkim into a Model Green State, a mass cleanliness drive was organized by Forests, Environment & Wildlife Management Department in Jorethang bazaar today. 
SDM Jorethang, Tenzing Denzongpa presided over the event as the chief guest which was also attended by ACF (WL) cum BAC Jorethang, Tilak Kumar Mukhia: R.O (T) Jorethang, Sabi Gadaily; R.O(WL) KBS, Pravin Gurung; R.O Social Forestry, Joseph Lepcha; C.D.P.O, Meena Rai; B.D.O Sikip, Milan Rai and Gram Panchayat Presidents of South district, as per a press release.
The drive saw active participation from employees of various departments of Jorethang namely Forest, Environment and Wildlife Management, UD&HD, IPR, PHE, Social Justice Empowerment & Welfare, Police, Excise, PWD, Land Revenue and Disaster Management as well as NGOs Purva Mazigaon Sudhar Samaj (Majhi Gaon) and Garib Utthan Sewa Samiti.
SD M Jorethang initiated the cleanliness drive and signature campaign at 10 am by briefing the gathering about the objective of the program. He briefed them about the implication of observing Paryavaran Mahotsav throughout the state.
Further, Mr Denzongpa laid down crucial guidelines to ensure extensive success of this people centric programme with the underlying theme ‘Each One Plant One’ and briefed the gathering about the forthcoming Paryavaran Mahotsav  programmes and activities such as plantation drives under the State Government initiatives i.e. State Green Mission and Ten Minutes to Earth; Greenathon; eco-competition in schools; awareness campaigns, among others that will be observed from 15 to 30 June 2014 in South district including Jorethang bazaar.
The cleanliness drive set off from Gandhi Park after which the participants in the drive moved to Bhanu Salik area where the entire premise was cleaned thoroughly. The department officials and members of the Jorethang NGO contributed in the mass cleanliness drive with great enthusiasm.

The host department and S.D.M Jorethang have both expressed their appreciation and gratitude to all the departments, Panchayat members, NGOs as well as the public for their active involvement in the cleanliness drive. The cleanliness activity that commenced in the early hours of morning came to an end at noon on the same day, it is added.

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