
Friday, June 27, 2014

Annual Research Council Meeting on Large Cardamom seeks deeper scientific enquiry from farmers’ perspective

GANGTOK, 26 June: The XXII Annual Research Council Meeting on Large Cardamom of the Indian Cardamom Research Institute Regional Research Station, Spices Board was held today here at the Tourism Department’s conference hall. The meeting was attended by officials from state and central departments and organizations along with scientists, farmers and other stakeholders.
In the inaugural function, the chief guest, ICAR Joint Director, Dr RK Avasthi expressed that the survival of large cardamom is of great concern and increasing its productivity is of extreme importance and the state government is very serious about these issues.
He stated that there are some bottlenecks and issues of concern which needs to research work. Scientists need to look at problems and issues related to large cardamom from the farmer's point of view, said Dr Avasthi.
He added that some pockets in the state are doing well in terms of large cardamom production but not the whole state. Here he stressed upon the need of quality planting materials to improve productivity.
Horticulture Department Director, GP Chauhan stressed on the need for the different concerned departments and agencies related to large cardamom to work with better coordination and as a team. He further stressed upon the need for more research work to study the problems and issues related to the decline in the productivity of large cardamom.  
Spices Board, Cochin Director [Res] Dr MR Sudharshan mentioned that this annual meeting was to review the research works carried out by the research centre and to finalize the future programme. He gave a presentation on the Spices Board, its activities, achievements and new projects and initiatives across the country.

The inaugural function was also addressed by CAE&PHT Dean, Dr PK Srivastava, SAMETI Director, SL Dorjee and Sikkim University Registrar, TK Kaul. On the occasion, the chief guest also released the annual report of the centre. The inaugural session was followed by the technical session of the meeting. 

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