
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Subedi chairs his first RMDD meeting as Minister

GANGTOK, 23 May [IPR]: A coordination meeting of the Rural Management & Development Department chaired by its Minister, SB Subedi was held today in the Conference Hall of the Gram Vikas Bhawan. The meeting was attended by Secretary RMDD, DR Nepal and all officers and staff of the department.
At the outset, the Secretary welcomed the Minister who in turn thanked the officers and staff of the RMD Department for their hard work and sincerity resulting in good implementation of the Rural Development programmes on the ground.
He also emphasised that the good work be carried forward in the coming years and sought for co-operation and support from all the functionaries to implement the plans and programmes of the government in the coming days. He also directed the officers and staff to be punctual and work with utmost dedication and sincerity and develop a people friendly delivery mechanism. Public should not be inconvenienced in any way he said.
He suggested that all pending and incomplete projects be listed and expedited to ensure removal of hurdles and early completion of the same. In the end he requested all the functionaries to ensure quality in all works and timely completion of projects.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by the Special Secretary, RMD Department.

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