
Friday, May 30, 2014

SCF condemns talk of repealing Article 370

GANGTOK, 29 May: Sikkim Citizen Forum [SCF] president, Thukchuk Lachungpa, has strongly condemned the statement of the Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office, Jitendra Singh on repealing Article 370 which accords special status to Jammu & Kashmir. Mr. Lachungpa has said that this could also mean trouble for the old laws of Sikkim protected under Article 371F.
Addressing a press conference today, Mr. Lachungpa stated that it is a sensitive issue and the fact that RSS is supporting it is even more dangerous. SCF has decided to write the President of India, Prime Minister, Home Minister, MoS, Mr Singh and others concerned on this issue.
Mr Lachungpa further said that SCF will also stage a dharna in New Delhi if the issue is not resolved.
Meanwhile, congratulating Narendra Modi on forming his government with absolute majority, he said that Mr Modi should work at fulfilling other commitments instead of taking up such controversial issues.
He congratulated Pawan Chamling and members of the opposition as well. Mr Lachungpa also welcomed the state government’s recent decisions for local protection.

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