
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Save Yumthang from inconsiderate littering

MANGAN, 12 May: Yumthang, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the state, may soon lose its charm if nothing is done to stop irresponsible littering in the area. Tourism has become both a boon and a bane for Yumthang with visitors littering the place with waste like plastic water bottles, plastic bags and wrappers, beer bottles etc. Most of the waste is thrown from moving vehicles littering either side of the road upto Yumthang and Yumesamdong.
“We always advise tourists not to throw waste from the car but sometimes they throw it from the back seats without our knowledge,” states Bikram Rai, a driver who takes tourists to North Sikkim. He added that new drivers also lack awareness regarding this.
“Sikkim is really beautiful but the government should frame strict norms and punish those who litter so irresponsibly,” said Mukesh Sinha, a tourist from Mumbai.
The caretaker at the Yumthang hot spring adds that every day he has to dispose the waste thrown by visitors.
Also known as the valley of flowers, Yumthang offers a stunning view of Pauhunri and Shundu Tsenpa peaks. A number of hot springs are scattered in the valley which are rich in sulphur and are believed to have miraculous healing powers.

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