
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Project Swastik celebrates 54th BRO Raising Day

GANGTOK, 07 May: HQ Project Swastik celebrated the 54th BRO raising day today with Chief Engineer SS Porwal offering a wreath at the Swastik Memorial paying tribute to all martyrs who laid down their lives for the nation in the process of building and maintaining road infrastructure.
As per a press release, the celebration had begun on 01 May with a number of events comprising sports competitions which went on till 04 May. Barakahana was organised on 05 May while a cultural evening was held on 06 May.
In Sikkim hundreds of Officers, personnel and CPL have laid down their lives for construction and maintenance of roads in this fragile and most difficult terrain of the country, the release mentions. A special puja was held in Swastik Mandir and in the GREF Sammelan, the Chief Engineer rewarded a number of BRO personnel and CPLs with certificates and cash awards.
A conference with all TF Commanders, OC’s RCC and staff officers was also held to discuss the ongoing works in Swastik Project and the improvements required to further enhance the output and user satisfaction. The Chief Engineer appreciated the good work done by all the officers and personnel and added that there is always room for further improvement.
Despite a number of constraints, Project Swastik will put its best efforts to improve the road infrastructure in Sikkim in the best possible manner, the Chief Engineer assured.


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