
Monday, May 26, 2014

Matri Bhoomi Surakhsa Sangathan welcomes CoI for businesses

GANGTOK, 25 May: Matri Bhoomi Surakhsa Sangathan (MBSS) has welcomed the recent decision of the Cabinet to make Sikkim Subject or Certificate of Identification mandatory for undertaking any kind of business activity in Sikkim.
In a press release, the Sangathan has stated that the policy decision should nevertheless be implemented in letter and spirit in every sphere of activities involving the State budget. However, it is unfortunate that the ruling SDF has woken up two decades after it made the promise to make Sikkim Subject mandatory for business activities and others, it adds.
MBSS also demands policy initiative to impound and penalize those subletting the trade license to non Sikkimese along with strict measures on issuing temporary Work Permit to be renewed periodically for those coming to Sikkim to work to ensure check on illegal influx. This apart, unemployed youth must be encouraged to engage themselves in all kind of business activities by providing soft loans and other incentives, the release states.
Further, MBSS also demands that a comprehensive and conclusive survey be conducted to identify the genuine BPL families before declaring Sikkim a BPL free state so as to ensure that bonafide BPL families are not deprived of the benefits and focused intervention for their upliftment is ensured, the release further adds.

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