
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Homoeopathic Cure for Asthma in Children SANTA PRADHAN

The world observes 07 May as Asthma Awareness Day every year to generate awareness on this frustrating ailment, which in many cases can only be controlled but not cured. The patients suffer incessantly hunting from one cure to other without much success. Though, many systems of medicine have often claimed complete cure for the disease, only very few suffering patients have been found actually cured completely and permanently.
However, asthma is not incurable in many systems of medicine. One such system is homoeopathy which has a permanent cure for asthma in majority of cases. Though, I do not have much personal experience in adult patients of asthma, I have come across many children suffering from asthma having been cured completely and permanently with homoeopathic medication.
Besides the case treated by various homoeopathic doctors I have studied homoeopathy a little bit, have also treated few cases with gratifying results. Such ailing kids who mostly suffered constant attacks of cough and cold, wheezing sound in the chest with breathlessness were constantly ill. Incidentally, I knew about them as they were children of my colleagues.
The kids were under good care of renowned pediatricians, yet despite long and sustained treatment, there were only “improvements” but no cure with relapses off and on. Most of the children were on medication with regular use of “pumps” with steroid, yet their conditions were getting from bad to worse. Some of them were in the hostels and they had to be taken from hostel very often for treatment. One can very well imagine the plight and pain of the parents who were worried about their kids all the time. In all these cases, homoeopathic medicines were administered for 10 - 15 days and only few kids ever had relapse once and had to be given second round of medication for a week or so. All of them are now grown up and some of them are in colleges and are totally cured with no residual signs of the debilitating disease. Their parents, now all senior officers in the government must be happy and relieved and thankful to homoeopathy.
Homoeopathic medicines have no negative effects and interestingly, despite the popular belief that homoeopathic medicines take a long time to act, the disease can be cured in a very short time. As asthma in children is quite common, it is always advisable for the parents to try an alternative system of medicine like homoeopathy, if they do not get much out of conventional medicine, which are now available in the rural hospitals also where the government has appointed qualified doctors under NRHM.                                                                                                                                                  

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