
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Chamling convenes first Cabinet meet of new term

GANGTOK, 23 May [IPR]: The first meeting of the newly formed Cabinet was held in the Cabinet Hall of Samman Bhawan on 21 May, 2014 at 3:00pm. The Cabinet thoroughly discussed the various proposals/ issues submitted for its consideration and took the following decisions:-
The State to be declared as- BPL-free State, Illiteracy free State and a fully organic State.
Revenue generating schemes to be prioritized.
Ongoing schemes/projects to be completed in time.
All Government policies to be development oriented.
Henceforth Government will extend only cash subsidy. This will be directly deposited in the personal account of the beneficiary.
Entry fee to be introduced at Char Dham. This is with a view to enhance the revenue generation in the State.
The method of promotion of teachers from Primary to Graduate Teacher and from Graduate Teacher to Post Graduate Teacher to be reviewed. The concerned department to formulate appropriate methodology/Rules in accordance with existing Laws. This will ensure that quality and standard is maintained.
Medical reimbursement to Government employee will be made admissible only to the employee himself or herself with a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs at a time. The term “family” as defined in the State Government Medical Rules to be revised. By curtailing such expenditure, the fund so saved can be used for other developmental works.
Sikkim Subject Certificate/Certificate of Identification is an essential Pre-requisite while issuing driving licence, permits for taxi/truck, hawker licence, etc. so that the local people get maximum priority.
No sub-letting of any contractual work to be allowed. The concerned department should immediately draw up Rules and prescribe appropriate Procedures.
Submission of Sikkim Subject Certificate/ Certificate of Identification to be made mandatory while issuing enlistment Certificate of Contractors. This is to build healthy competition among the local Contractors.
All Check posts will be equipped with Weigh Bridges to ensure that the carrying of load limit is not violated.
Reservation policy of the State to be strictly followed while dealing with the Chief Minister’s Meritorious Scholarship so that students from all communities can avail of this benefit.
X-ray machines to be installed in all check posts. The Taxes so collected would enhance the State revenue. Such measures and strict surveillance would lead to proper security and imposition of appropriate taxes in the border check posts.
All Government Grade IV employees like drivers/ Peons etc who have been issued uniforms should wear it while on duty, with immediate effect.
In rural areas trade licence to be issued exclusively to Sikkim Subject/ COI holders.

No Adhoc and officiating promotions to be granted to the employees.

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