
Monday, May 5, 2014

Capacity building course for masons for quality Rural Housing

GANGTOK, 04 May [IPR]: Statewide Training of Trainers on Quality Rural Housing was organized from 28 April to 02 May 2014 by the Rural Management and Development Department, Government of Sikkim in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi under the Rural Housing Knowledge Network (RHKN) initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development.  
Under this knowledge partnership, the Department has developed Audio Visual modules of correct construction practices using cement and steel. These modules were disseminated to state engineers and master masons for sharing with the larger community of practitioners and professionals so that overall quality of rural housing construction in the state can be influenced at large.
The master masons expressed their appreciation of the audio visual guidance that was handed over to them on microSD cards for easy viewing on their mobile phones as well as sharing with other masons. A well –illustrated ‘Sikkim Rural Housing Handbook for Supervisors’ was also distributed to all the engineers at the Workshop. The objective of the Handbook is to communicate correct construction practices as well as provide a monitoring checklist for supervisors of rural housing works to effectively contribute to quality enhancement. Covering about 200 masons and 60 engineers, the workshop deliberations also brought out ideas on making rural housing more efficient, cost effective and greener.

Senior Scientist from IIT Delhi, Mona Anand who has been associated with the training programme since its inception, appreciated the proactive stand of the department for promoting quality and disaster resilient housing in rural Sikkim. The workshop ended with a vote of thanks from the participants expressing solidarity and commitment towards building a disaster resilient Sikkim.

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