
Friday, April 11, 2014

United Christian Welfare Society of Sikkim distances itself from political ambitions of some members

GANGTOK, 10 Apr: The United Christian Welfare Society of Sikkim has stated that some statements made by pastors and other Christian leaders urging support for certain political parties are purely personal opinions and the Society does not subscribe to any such views.
In a press release the Society has said “this expression of the political vendetta and commitments of some isolated pastors and leaders are purely personal undertaken in individual capacity and in no regard does the Society subscribe to such outburst”.
The release refers to a press statement that has appeared in the 10 April 2014 edition of one of the local Nepali dailies and other fliers being circulated.
“We as citizens of this country are in an important moment where our role is to more prayerfully seek to exercise our franchise in the most responsible manner and not create undue bewilderment,” the release states.

The Society has appealed to its members not to use the church or its name for political or any other selfish interests. The Society has also urged citizens to exercise their franchise instead of tarnishing the sanctity of churches of Sikkim. 

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