
Monday, April 14, 2014

Security measures enhanced for storage of EVMs

GANGTOK, 12 Apr: Due to the considerable gap between the date of polling and the date of counting, the Election Commission of India has issued directives to the Chief Electoral Officers on steps to be taken to enhance the security measures for the storage of EVMs used for polling. Here in Sikkim too there is a gap of more than a month from 12 April, the day of voting, to 16 May, the day of counting of votes.
For the transportation and storage of EVMs in temporary strong rooms only central forces are to be used.
The ECI has allowed for candidates and their representatives to follow the vehicle transporting the EVMs. For EVMs stored in receipt centres, only central forces can be used for their guard. Once stored inside, the receipt centres are to be sealed and signatures of the candidates are to be highlighted on the seal. This will be done under videography.
When finally the EVMs are to be transported to the permanent strong rooms all candidates are to be informed about the transportation in writing with the date and time of the transportation. The temporary strong room can also only be opened in the presence of all the candidates.
The ECI has also issued directions about the composition of strong rooms. Such rooms are to have only one door and in the event there are other openings these are to be sealed with brick masonry. They are to be put under double lock system with one key with the person in charge of the strong room and the other with an official not lower than ADM.
Security strong rooms are to be under central force and 24 hour CCTV surveillance. There is also the stipulation by the ECI that strong rooms should have 24 hours power supply and the concerned CEO is to arrange such supply with the local power department officials. For contingency purposes a generator is also required to be available.
There are also provisions for candidates to keep watch on security arrangement of strong rooms. For this purpose the ECI has provided that candidates should be allowed to stay outside the outermost security perimeter in a rain proof tent erected officially for the purpose. This tent should allow them to view the entry points. In case there is no direct view CCTV is to be arranged for them.
There are strict protocols in place for those entering the inner security perimeter with a log book to record all those entering, the date, time and duration of stay. This applies to election observers, senior police officials and candidates. Video recording of all visitors are to be made.
The storage campus is to be visited by the Returning Officer every day to inspect the register of those who have entered and a report made of this. The DCs and SPs are personally responsible for security of the strong rooms and the meticulous implementation of protocol.

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