
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

On World Health Day, Sikkim resolves better preparedness against vector borne diseases

GANGTOK, 07 Apr: The World Health Day celebration on the theme, “Small bites, big threats”, organized by the National Health Mission [NHM] under the Health Care, Health Services & Family Welfare department was held at Chintan Bhawan today. The programme was attended by Dr K Bhandari [Director General cum Secretary, Health Department] as the chief guest, along with Principal Directors, CMOs, doctors, and officials from the health department from all over the state.
In his address, Dr. Bhandari highlighted the significance of the day where he informed that World Health Day has been celebrated since 1948 after the formation of the World Health Organisation [WHO]. Every year there is a theme and this year the focus is on vector borne diseases and Dengue is one of the fastest growing vector borne disease in the world with five lakh people hospitalized annually, he added.
“Sikkim is all geared up for prevention, detection and control of vector borne diseases such as Dengue, Malaria and Kala Azar. Dengue had hit Sikkim in 2004 and then again last year where a total of 473 people were tested positive. It started from Rangpo and spread as far as Piplay and Namchi,” he informed, underlining that Dengue is a viral infection and has no cure so prevention is a must. These mosquitoes bite their victims during the day unlike other mosquitoes that bite at night and breed in stagnant water, he added.
“We were able to contain the spread of the disease, create awareness and carry out proper surveillance and because of this commendable job done by the doctors we were able to save every patient from the disease,” he stated.
We have become more vigilant and cautious so we are prepared to tackle an epidemic if the disease strikes again, he added.
Dr Bhandari congratulated all for the state’s achievements in the last two decades in providing better health care services. “Our national and state programmes are going strong and even our curative programmes have shown signs of improvement in the past few years. Health services to people have improved tremendously”, he added.
He also informed about the 575-bedded super multi-specialty hospital coming up at Sichey which would be ready by next year and added that even the district hospitals had been upgraded. Sikkim is one of the best in the small states category but Sikkim needs to be the best overall which can be achieved if we all work together, said Dr Bhandari.
The key note address was given by Dr PM Pradhan [Mission Director, National Health Mission], where he spoke on the ten keys and indicators for healthy Sikkim, while Dr Pramila Giri spoke on the theme of world health day ‘Small bites big threats’. Four Multi Purpose Health Workers, Male [MPHW] from each district were also felicitated for their contribution in providing health services to the people.

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