
Friday, April 11, 2014

Campaigning over, it’s just the people and their votes now RANJIT SINGH

GANGTOK, 10 Apr: With the operation of the deadline for the end of all official and unofficial political campaigning comes the moment of truth. Campaigning by all political parties in the state of Sikkim for the elections to be held on Saturday, 12 April closed at 5 pm today, that is, 48 hours before voting begins.
The last day of campaigning today saw all candidates campaigning in their respective constituencies in a final effort to woo the electorate. The last month witnessed hectic and intense politicking by the main players in the Sikkim political firmament, the SDF and SKM; there were clashes, assaults – both verbal and physical, complaints and allegations, arrests, rallies and meetings and most of all, propaganda and intense speculation among the public. 
The next 48 hours, will no doubt see some backroom ‘campaigning’ by both parties but there will be none of the above mentioned attractions. The public will have some well deserved rest to finally make up its mind on which button to press.
And with the end of campaigning also begins the ‘dry day’ period which will last till 12 April and during which no liquor can be sold or bought from liquor shops.
Election Department officials inform that while there will be no campaigning by political parties, their officers will be busy as usual on the field. Expenditure observers, sector magistrates, the micro observers and other surveillance staff which the ECI has mandated to be on the field will still be around to make sure that the electoral process is free, fair and transparent.
While the Election Commission of India has already issued directions that no elected person whether Panchayat or Minister can be any candidate’s election agent in a new directive issued on 09 April there can be no canvassing inside any polling station on poll day.
This effectively means that all campaigning and canvassing has come to an end today itself. The ECI has clearly stated that no person shall canvas for votes or exhibit any notice or signs relating to elections within the polling station on the day of voting. Furthermore, the Election Commission has directed that items such as caps, shawls etc with any political party’s name, symbol or slogan will not be allowed inside the polling stations on the day of voting.
On the other hand, today was also the last day for the government employees and service personnel to cast their postal ballots via the drop box maintained at facilitation centres. It needs to however be clarified that today is not the last day for the casting of postal ballots. There was much confusion among service personnel over this issue on whether today was the last date for the casting of postal ballots. Election Department officials clarified that the last date for the casting of postal ballots by government employees and service personnel is 16 May.

In fact the postal ballot has to reach the strong rooms by 3 a.m., 16 May to be valid. These can be sent by post and will be free of charge. Today was only the last date for the government employees and service personnel to avail the use of the drop box option for the casting of their postal ballots. The total strength of postal ballots for Sikkim is approximately 11,500. Till 09 April, 830 Assembly and 834 parliamentary votes had been cast through postal ballots. 

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