
Monday, April 28, 2014

Article of Faith

It is unsettling how obscure Article 371 F of the Constitution remains even though it underlines the very identity of Sikkim and sets the conditions for its being a part of India. It is also ironic that its dilution happens more from its constant invoking than any intentional sidelining or harm. This tendency to bring up the Article too often has, it appears, taken away the need to explain or understand it in deeper detail. As a result, there is more confusion than understanding about it.
All the confusion surrounding this Article of the Constitution of India, perhaps stems from the terminology that that Sikkim has associated with it – speaking almost exclusively of protecting and upholding the “sanctity” of Article 371F. Sanctity, which means sacredness, something inviolable, is associated with that which is to be accepted without question. Much like faith actually, and thus the communication gap which exists between religious texts and followers of the faith, is also reflected in Sikkim with its understanding/ appreciation of Article 371F. Even the most devout adherent has at best a sketchy understanding of the invocations that are always on her/his lips. S/he might not understand the full import of the words, but will never question them. Clearly then, the desire is never expressed to interpret the meanings. Till such time that such beliefs remain in private spaces, they are fine, but the moment this incomplete knowledge is exploited in the public domain, things can go out of hand. India knows only too well how faith and its interpretations have often been exploited to bloody ends by various factions. In the case of Sikkim, Article 371F occupies a similarly edified position. It is respected, but only superficially understood and yet passionately protected. While no one questions the need of protecting the Article, it is the still sketchy understanding that needs to go and one needs to underline here that the Article, being a part of the Constitution, is already well protected, so energy will be better deployed trying to explain, understand and interpret it. It is downright laughable how easily political parties whip up emotions just citing this Article. Fact remains that Article 371F is an over-arching clause put in place to guard against the complete swamping of the Sikkimese identity. To whip it out at every pretext makes a mockery of the noble ideals which led to the creation and insertion of this Article in the Constitution. Lazy leaders cannot be expected to go easy with their exploitation of Article 371F in their speeches, so the onus falls on the people to protect its “sanctity” which is under threat more from the overexposure that it suffers than a concerted plan to undermine it. For that to happen, the people must first understand what the Article is all about.

Anyone can pick up a copy of the Constitution and read Article 371F in it, but to develop an understanding, one needs more. For that Sikkim will have to bring the Article down from the pedestal of reverence it has been placed on and approached practically. It has to be tackled as an academic pursuit of understanding and not as a theology class. Once the people Know, they will also be able to see things properly for themselves and not the tinted glasses that leaders whip out each time they say Article 371F.

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