
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Chamling begins nomination filing process for SDF

NAMCHI, 21 Mar: Sikkim Democratic Front party president, Chief Minister Pawan Chamling, filed his nomination papers for the Assembly elections today here at the office of Returning Officer South, DC Prabhaker Verma. Mr. Chamling is contesting from the two assembly seats of South district- Rangang-Yangyang and Namchi-Singithang. With this, the nomination filing process began for the party across the State and all the candidates, save a few from East Sikkim, completed the process today itself. The few pending submissions for East district are expected to be completed on Saturday and latest by Monday, it is informed.
The Chief Minister reached Namchi Central Park today at around 1 p.m. where a mammoth gathering of SDF supporters was waiting for him. He was given a warm welcome here by the party supporters who escorted him till the District Administration Centre. After filing his nomination from two assembly seats, Mr. Chamling emerged to cheering party supporters who were waiting outside the DAC complex. 
His legal officers Jorgay Namka and AJ Sharma were present during the entire official procedure in the office of the RO South.
For Namchi Singithang, Mr. Chamling´s nomination was proposed by Binod Rai, Satish Chandra Rai, Gagan Rai and Himal Tamang, all voters of this constituency. For Rangang-Yangang constituency, his nomination was proposed by Rup Narayan Basnett, Krishna Lall Chettri, Dawa Phurba Sherpa and Rinchen Wangdi Bhutia also voters and SDF supporters of this constituency.
Mr. Chamling, who is of 62 years old, has his details in the electoral roll with serial no 155, part no 14.
Along with the CM, other SDF candidates from constituencies in South Sikkim also filed their nomination papers today. They are Ugen Gyatso Bhutia from Tumin Lingee assembly seat, KN Rai from Poklok Kamrang, Tilu Gurung from Namthang Rateypani constituency, Tulsi Devi Rai from Melli seat, GM Gurung from Temi Namphing and DD Bhutia from Barfung constituency.
The Returning Officer South, Prabhaker Verma cross checked all the documents submitted to him by the candidates and present during the nomination were all the officials engaged in the Nomination duty.
The RO informed that he has accepted all the documents submitted to him with their nomination papers. He added that after receiving the nomination papers, copies of the nomination form and Form 26 (affidavit filed by the candidates) will be displayed in the notice board of DAC and same will also be sent to the GVKs & SDM offices for display in the notice board.
He added that from now onwards after filing of their nomination, all election related expenditure accounting and monitoring will begin and the same will be accounted into the candidate’s expenditure account from the date of their nomination. The 8 candidates who filed their nominations today submitted their bank account details with the RO during the nomination process since it is mandatory to open a separate bank account for this purpose and all election related expenses will be done exclusively through this bank account. The candidates have been given expenditure related document register with necessary instructions for maintaining their accounts which has to be shown to the Election Expenditure Observer.
The Returning Officer also stated that every vehicle used for election campaign by the candidates in South District must have passes issued by the Returning Officer (South) and if any vehicle is found in any campaign without this pass then action will be taken against that vehicle as per ECI guidelines. There is no restriction on number of vehicles to be used in campaign and the permission issued by RO is required to be pasted in original on the vehicle he said. The RO underlined that the permission for campaign vehicle is valid up to 10 April 2014 till 5 pm. He further said that for the Poll day only three vehicles will be allowed as per ECI guidelines i.e. 1 vehicle each for the candidate, Election Agent and his workers.
Mr Verma also notified that any kind of party advertisements appearing in the electronic media in favor of the nominated candidate of South District will have to be pre certified by the District Level Media Certification and Monitoring Committee (MCMC).

He also informed that 3 Assembly Constituencies of South Sikkim have been declared Expenditure sensitive are Poklok Kamrang, Namthang Rateypani and Melli. 

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