
Monday, February 17, 2014

West District Planning Committee meets

GYALSHING, 16 Feb [IPR]: District Planning Committee, West, conducted the 17th budget session for 2014-15 at the Zilla Assembly Hall here on 14 February chaired by Devika Subba, the West Zilla Adhyaksha.  RMDD Minister, CB Karki, attended as the chief guest and also inaugurated the Assembly Hall at the Zilla Bhawan.
The House approved and unanimously passed all the proposals prepared by the respective Gram Panchayats and Zilla Panchayats of west District.
The RMDD Minister, while addressing the house, appreciated the constitutional manner of conducting the Budget Session and said “this is what democracy and empowerment of Panchayati Raj mean in the real sense”.
He appealed to the Panchayat members to further strengthen public participation at the gram level and give top priority to education, especially in primary level. He also urged the Panchayats to focus on quality works and address all basic needs of the general public.
The Zilla Adhyaksha, in her address, pointed out that the development of the village depends solely on Panchayats and therefore the Panchayat members should form Gram Planning Committees in all GPUs.
DC [West] cum Sachiva, LP Chettri, in his address, appealed to the Gram and Zilla Panchayat members not only to rely on grants-in-aid but also focus on revenue generating avenues. He also urged them to maintain transparency and proper coordination between Gram and zilla Panchayats.
The day also included an Information, Education and Communication programme with LP Kafley, Up-Adhyaksha (W) as resource person on Panchayati Raj Institutions.  He urged the GVAs to disseminate Panchayati Raj Acts and notifications to the panchayats and also assist preparation of budgets.
He also highlighted the need for strengthening of Gram Finance Committee, Village sanitation Committee, Social Audit & Vigilance Committee, Village Level Water Development Committee and Gram Planning Committee in all GPUs of west district. [from Simon Subba, DIO West]

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