
Thursday, February 13, 2014

SKM team visits Kopchey and Sundunglakha

 GANGTOK, 12 Feb: Continuing its public interaction campaign in Chujachen constituency, a Sikkim Krantikari Morcha team visited and interacted with the people of Kopchey and Sundunglakha today.  
An SKM release informs that a team comprising of party advisor, Mohan Gurung, vice-president [East], KB Gurung, vice-president [zonal], Binay Lama, Mohan Labar of Driver’s Front along with Dup Tshering, Shanti Gurung and other active members interacted with the people. The release claims that during the programme 32 houses of Kopchey and Sudunglakha joined the SKM party while 12 houses hoisted the party flag.
The release states that the people of the area accused the area MLA of partiality in the distribution of benefits in the recently held Janta Mela.

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