
Saturday, February 15, 2014

HRDD begins ‘Green Channel’ fund flow for midday meal scheme

GANGTOK, 14 Feb: The State Government, through the Human Resource Development Department, has begun the implementation of ‘Green Channel’ fund flow scheme for smooth running of the Mid Day Meal scheme in the state. This scheme is expected to streamline and ensure timely release of funds under the Mid Day Meal scheme. This is a central government initiative and said to be among the largest flagship programs being implemented through the country.
The main objective behind the “Green Channel” is to facilitate timely flow of funds to the schools for the MDM scheme and as informed, needs utmost care and attention. The HRD department has directed that several procedures need to be enforced while adopting the Green Channel scheme.
There will be a mechanism in place for online entry of actual number of children availing the Mid Day Meal scheme. In this regard the department has chalked out the role and responsibilities of different level of officers and field functionaries. The online entries will be uploaded at the HRD department’s webpage and this is being done to ensure accountability, transparency and effective utilization of funds.
A pre-check procedure has also been outlined for timely billing and transparency and those for maintenance of accounts at different levels.
In addition, all institutions covered under MDM Scheme are now required to open a joint account in favour of Head of Institution and Cooking Agencies mandatorily.

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