
Monday, February 3, 2014

Excise Deptt frames new rules for IMFL shops and bars

GANGTOK, 02 Jan: Liquor shops have now been allowed to operate up to “50 feet of hospitals, places of worship, factories and other places of public resort”. As per new rules framed by the Excise Department, liquor shops will now be allowed for retail, wholesale and consumption of liquor within 50 ft walking distance of such places.
However, in the vicinity of schools, the earlier limit of 200 ft still stands.
The Excise Department had earlier issued draft notification on the matter inviting objections and suggestions. With no such comments forthcoming at the end of the stipulated 45 days the new department has gone ahead and announced the new rules. There has not been much by way of explanation to the rationale behind the amendments to the earlier rule.
Furthermore, the department has also eased the rule of liquor shops operating near police check posts at the border. While earlier the limit for such shops to operate was 200 metres it has now been reduced to 200 feet. Retail, wholesale and liquor bars can now operate within a minimum distance of 200 feet from police check posts situated at the interstate as well as international borders.
In another adjustment made by the Excise department the bars in the casino will have to pay less for operating on dry days. Earlier the department had notified bars in the casinos to be allowed to be open on dry days. However they had to pay Rs. 5000 per day to avail this facility. This has been brought down to Rs. 4000 per day. The timings for the operation of such bars have also been modified. While earlier casino bars could be open on dry days from 6 pm to 4 am the new timings for such bars are from 11 am to 4 am.
The ordinary hotels and bars have to abide with the rules mentioned under the ‘Form V’ and the licensee has to keep a regular and correct daily account in the prescribed form of all the sales and have it ready at all times for inspection by the officer of the Excise Department who will periodically check the sales account within the first week of every month.
The account book is required to be page numbered and sealed with the seal of the Excise office and is to be kept in the licensed premises showing position: sale of each brand of liquors every day.
However, bars of casinos at star hotels will have to fill up the ‘Form V-A’ to furnish details in the seventh day of every month in a prescribed format. The Licensee can sell liquor registered by the Excise (Akb) Department within the premises of the Casino Bar and not in any area outside it as per the new rules.

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