
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Training under Bagan Development Project held in South Sikkim

GANGTOK, 24 Jan: Krishi Vigyan Kendra South, Namthang organized Training cum Capacity Building under Bagan Development (Wadi) Project funded by NABARD at Lower Kateng and Lower Bokrang, South Sikkim today.
A press release informs that the programme started with welcome note by Subject Matter Specialist Agri Economics who gave a clear picture as to the objective of the programme. The farmers of the concerned villages under Bagan (Wadi) Project were given training and awareness on Orchard Management and allied fields like animal husbandry which also is an important sector in Agriculture.
The resource person for the programme was Horticulture Development Officer, Namthang who shared his experience and gave training to farmers regarding horticultural crops, the release mentions. The programme included experience sharing and healthy interaction between farmers and KVK officials and official guest HDO, Namthang regarding their grievances in the field and the problems faced by them. Total of forty farmers participated in the programme.

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