
Thursday, January 16, 2014

SKM ward-level committee formed at Gnathang-Machong

GANGTOK, 08 Jan: Sikkim Krantikari Morcha convened a meeting at Pheri panchayat ward under Gnathang-Machong constituency chaired by Pakyong zonal president, Chopel Zangpo Bhutia on Tuesday. An SKM press release informs that in the meeting, a ward-level committee was constituted and 15 houses hoisted the SKM flag.
The committee has Wangden Bhutia as president, Gopu Tshering Bhutia and Pintso Wangyal Bhutia as vice-president, Tashi Topgay Bhutia as secretary, Ugen Dorjee Bhutia and Tshering Nopu Bhutia as assistant secretaries, Karma Tshering Bhutia and Ongay Bhutia as treasurer, Tseten Tashi Bhutia as publicity secretary, Nim Tshering Bhutia as assistant publicity secretary and Karma Sonam Bhutia, Sonam Ongchuk Bhutia, Pem Tshering Bhutia and Ugen Dorjee Bhutia as advisors.

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