
Friday, January 31, 2014

Sikkim & North Bengal Journalists Forum condemns attack on media

GANGTOK, 30 Jan: The newly floated solidarity forum of journalists working in Sikkim and North Bengal has strongly condemned the attack at the printing press of Sikkim Express and Himali Bela. A press release informs that the ‘Sikkim & North Bengal Journalists Forum’ has demanded the State government to take strict action against the culprit and ensure safety of media workers in Sikkim.
“We strongly condemn the attack on media. Journalists from North Bengal express their solidarity with the media persons of Sikkim who have protested against the incident. We demand the Sikkim government to ensure that such attacks on media are not allowed to happen again and freedom of media is ensured,” the forum has said.
Stating that there should be no leniency shown to those who attack the media, the forum has expressed full solidarity towards the media fraternity of Sikkim. “The forum completely supports the steps taken by the Sikkimese media fraternity to protest the attack. We will also join them in their protests”, the release states.

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