
Saturday, January 18, 2014

SCPCR at national convention on RTE

GANGTOK, 17 Jan: A two-day national convention on the progress of the Rights to Education [RTE] was organized by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights in collaboration with UNICEF on 14-15 January 2014 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.
The Convention was inaugurated by Minister for Women and Children Development Department, Government of India, Krishna Tirath.
A press release informs that the objective of holding the convention was to review the implementation of RTE Act 2009; identify the challenges encountered during the implementation and suggest time bound corrective measures; and to enable sharing of successful practices and experiences from the field. The Convention was attended by Chairpersons and Members of SCPCR of different states, officials and experts.
The Convention deliberated on various issues like need to strengthen public system to make education system most successful throughout the nation, build and enhance the capacity of Headmasters and Headmistress and teachers through training, etc.
Sikkim, SCPCR was also invited to attend and participate in the National Convention which was attended by Chairperson, Manita Pradhan and Members Yangchen Ladingpa, Nim Chuki Bhutia and Karma Chuki Bhutia, it is informed.
In sharing the best practices in Sikkim, the Chairperson Ms Pradhan briefed the convention about setting up of Residential Special Training Centre at District Level in co-ordination with local NGOs to cater to out-of-school children; Introduction of modern subjects i.e Mathematics, English and Science in Monastic Schools; interaction between the Chief Minister and parents and children on various educational issues.

As a whole, the government of Sikkim has put much stress on the education sector even before the enforcement of RTE Act and after the enforcement of the Act the State is in full compliance with the RTE Rules, informed the Chairperson. 

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