
Friday, January 24, 2014

Raid for son accused for rioting leads to father’s arrest


GANGTOK, 23 Jan: The hunt for Sikkim Krantikari Morcha office-bearers accused on different counts of rioting and reportedly absconding at present led to the arrest of the father of one of the accused in an unrelated case which surfaced during a raid carried out in search the accused.
Chin Kazi Shrestha, father of Roshan Pradhan, the SKM youth leader accused in the two incidents of political violence reported from West and South Sikkim yesterday, was taken into custody when a raid at his hotel, “Orange Valley Resort”, in search of Mr. Pradhan led to the reported discovery of two Nepal nationals employed at the hotel without the required permits. Mr. Shrestha, the Managing Director of the Resort, was taken into custody along with the two alleged Nepal nationals.
The Ranipool police conducted a raid at the Orange Valley Resort in search of main accused in the attack against SDF party members at Temi Tarku last night [read accompanying news-report, “4 SKM supporters booked for rioting”, for details]. While the main accused is still absconding, the police did not return empty-handed and arrested 3 persons from the Resort including the father of the main accused.
All three have been booked under different sections of the Foreigners’ Registration Act, the two Nepali waiters for having been employed here without proper documents, as alleged by the police; and Mr. Shrestha for having “harboured and employed” them at his resort.
The arrest and raid at the Orange Valley Resort and the arrest of Mr. Shrestha, a senior citizen and also a known supporter of the SKM party, had raised tensions at Ranipool today; this led to rumours that the SKM supporters would be swooping down at the Ranipool thana and gherao the police station. As a precaution, one battalion of the India Reserve Battalion was deployed at Ranipool this afternoon which stayed there till late this evening.
There was no untoward incident and the battalion has returned to Pangthang.
Speaking to NOW! SP [East], Manoj Tiwari, confirmed that the police had raided the premises of the Orange Valley Resort and arrested the Manager, Mr. Shrestha, under section 13 of the Foreigner’s Act for employing foreign nationals and two Nepali waiters for working there without proper documents.
Furthermore other omissions on the part of the manager included not having a CCTV and also not recording the entry of guests checked into the hotel. The main motive of the police, however, in raiding the hotel was to find Roshan Pradhan, the main accused in yesterday’s incident.
Police sources state that they had information that Mr. Pradhan had stayed at the Resort the night before but, as per police, his stay also was not recorded. Mr. Shrestha meanwhile developed health complications and was soon taken to the Central Referral Hospital where he is admitted at present.

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