
Saturday, January 25, 2014

North in Black Out for past 4 days

MANGAN, 24 Jan: Most of North District has had no power supply for the past four days. The black out, it is learnt, is due to the breakdown of a transformer in Mangan which has snapped supply to places like Mangan, Naga, Singhik, Shipgyer, Dzongu etc. Apart from general inconvenience to the people, the outage has also affected banking facilities in the area.
North Zilla Upadhakshya, NT Lepcha, while speaking to NOW! commented that the problem could have been mitigated if the Meyong Power Project had been in operation. Here he said that this power project should be restored as early as possible to provide the district the much needed back-up.
It may be mentioned here that the Meyong Power house had been damaged by a landslide triggered by the 2011 earthquake.

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